So It Happn'd... Im A MiLF!!

So I am officially a mommy!! My baby girl was not due to arrive until July 30th. But come towards the end of June I started to notice severe swelling in my feet and hands. Which by most people's advice "was normal occurrence" from being pregnant and nearing the end of my term. But me, being the anal, ocd person I am was nervous that it could mean more. Thru-out my whole pregnancy I was watching shows like "16 & Pregnant" and "Pregnant in Heels" as if they were some sort of mommy-training videos (LoL). You know, getting to see what i might can expect and also as confidence boosters figuring "if they an do it, I can too!!".

So on one episode of "16 & Pregnant" the young lady had massive swelling in her feet & ankles and her doctor told her she might have "pre-eclampsia" and would need to be screened for it. Which it turned out she did have it and would have to be induced early, as the only cure for this condition is to have the baby. So once my feet started to swell (and looking like hers did) I began to worry and called upon my trusted friend "Google" (LoL.. i freakn love google) and i looked up signs and symptoms of the condition "pre-eclampsia". Come to find out I had been experiencing quite a few of the symptoms such as, severe swelling, lower abdominal pain, headaches and frequent urination but with a low output.

Now I was really concerned!! So my next visit to the doctor, I requested to be screened for pre-eclampsia and was sent off to get the lab work done that day (which was a tuesday). Mind you, that when I requested this screening, my doc said "well, i see no reason for concern.. but since you are requesting it, i will send you to the lab to get the screening done". Being that she told me, "I see no reason for concern".. I kinda relaxed about the idea of having it and chopped up my symptoms as just normal processes and experiences of pregnancy and went on about my business.

So come friday, while I was in school (actually relaxing and getn my nails done by a student in the nail department, I get a call from a nurse at my doctors office telling me that my acid levels were super high and they want me to check in to the hospital right away!! I mean besides the swelling, I had felt fine and responded.. "im in school (enjoying a mani/pedi) so it is okay if I go around 7pm?" and the nurse replied, "No!! I need you to go right now!! Which then sent me into a panic making me feel like something was extremely wrong!! Now at this time, Im still 4 weeks away from being due.. So I had no hospital bag prepared, my father just went out of town that morning for the nascar races, my mother wasnt due to arrive in town from michigan till the 21st and most of my closest friends were at work, school or out of town themselves. So I became a nervous wreck!!

My teacher at school told me that people with high euric acid levels have chance of having heart attack and/or having a seizure but they will probably keep me overnight at hospital to stabilize my levels and send me home to finish out my last month of pregnancy. But i had a feeling that i could be in hospital for quite sometime.. And didnt know if i should pack for just myself and bring a few overnight things or if i should pack a bag as if i was in labor and going to hospital to have a baby. So i drove home while calling all the people i needed to notify of what was occurring and trying to stay calm while thinking of all the items i should get together. As a "just in case" I went ahead and packed a bag as if i was going to have the baby that weekend. Then I drove almost an hour away to pick up the only friend i had in town who was not busy so I could have somebody with me at hospital. ( I was scared as hell and didnt want to be alone). Lucky me, I caught a $166 ticket on the way to pick him up (for being in the car-pool lane). Which only further agitated me, most likely worsening my condition by the minute.

Once I made it to hospital they hooked me to this and that and check my urine, drew some blood and told me i was having small contractions and gave me an IV with magnesium to stop or slow them down. And because of the magnesium, I also had to have a cathedar put in. By the next day, after much testing and me questioning them about what was going to happen, they finally told me that I had pre-eclampsia and i would not be leaving the hospital w/o a baby!! So they began to give me medication to induce my labor!! I was very sad thinking that my mom was not gonna make it in time to be there for my labor but she changed her flight (after paying additional $700 to the airline (fukn theives)) and was there at hospital the next day!! (My mom rocks!!) My sister also drove down from north florida and was there just b4 my mom arrived.

So i was given cervidil, patosin and cervidex (7 doses) over the course of the next 3days b4 any of it actually started to work!! Mind you, I am still on bed rest and still hooked to the IV and the cathedar!! So my discomfort was increasing by the hour!! It was finally on monday night (the 4th of july) that i started making progress and was dialated 1-2cm.. Once I was 2-3cm.. the doc came in and broke my water. From there, the pain came quick and things picked up speed very rapidly. Now i originally said i wanted to try going w/o an epidural but once my water was broke and those contractions really kicked in, I couldnt wait to get to 4cm so I could have my epidural.. at that point it was all i wanted!! So all in all, I was in labor for about 6 hours give or take and once I made it to 10cm, I was pushing for about 1.5 hours!! And OMG, Ive never tried so hard to accomplish anything in my life!! And the pain (because I was only given half an epidural) was tremendous!! Once I crowned and the baby was being received by doctor, it felt as if I was having my guts pulled from out of me!!  My baby girl finally arrived July 5th at 6:39am weighing 5lbs and 12oz and was 18 3/4inches long with a head full of hair!!

I tell u what, i dont think i could endure something like that again!! I was so exhausted and shakin up from all the trauma i just went thru, I couldnt stop physically shaking and crying for almost an hour!! But after that experience and receiving the blessing that came from all of my hard work, effort, endurance and pain.. I felt a huge sense of relief and accomplishment unlike any other ive ever had before!! Altho, id never want to experience the pain of all that ever again, I am extremely happy that I got thru it and now I have a beautiful baby girl to love and cherish for the rest of my life!! #JoysOfMotherhood

On another note, id just like to say to all the mothers (good mothers) out there that have several children, I raise my hands to u because you are the strongest people alive to be able to handle child birth more than once. I mean, to do once still makes u a strong ass woman but to endure it several times.. Well that is just power!!

Thanks for reading my story, i tried to cut it as short as possible while still trying to be detailed. For baby pics plz go to my facebook page and add me as a friend!! More posts and updates are coming soon!! (including the free "mas" video I promised to post for winning a place in the audio contest as my thanks for your votes). Yes, I won 2nd place!! :D

BYTL~ Mama Kash :D

