Long Time No Blog

I know its been a lil min since I got my ass on this damn computer and blogged with ya!! But have no fear.. Your Kandy is here!! =)

I was a little sick last week.. Over did it for my birthday and drank too much!! I really think I am gonna quit drinking completely.. Its just does fukd up things to me internally these days.. I been drinking way too long anyway so its bout time I quit.. And stay that way. I quit once b4 for a year.. Which a year was the goal. I thought that would help.. But my liver just cant take it no more. Anyway.. I wont be goin out for a week or two. I am gonna get my bartenders license and get a job aat a nice spot somewhere on south beach to pass my time (and earn sum extra kash) between makin my sexy videos and doin my music that is. I start on Monday. Anyway.. ima keep it short n sweet for now. Here is a short video I found in my phone I had shot right before going out one night. Enjoy. I'll btyl.

XOXO~ Ms Kandy Kash   
